Tuesday 1 March 2011

Writers Block.

Having the time to collect my thoughts and share them with the world is a rarity these days, and even when this happens I feel unable to articulate properly what it is I want to say. I know I want to say something, I just don't know how to get these thoughts from my brain and into the computer. If someone could invent a device to stream thoughts between man and machine that would be great, thanks. 

In the mean time, I'll share a link to a video I watched some time ago. Zeiteist is the second, or third I'm not quite sure, instalment of a series of films asking the bigger questions. Watch it if your ready to see the world another way, and take from it what you will. People may scoff at this film, calling it conspiracy codswallop, but the most important thing for our industrialised civilisation to work the way it does relies on one thing; oil. And when this runs out, we are going to be very, very screwed.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead.